The Apple iTunes Turkey Store went live 5 years ago. We were one of the two companies Apple chose to work with for publishing Turkish films. Actually, we didn’t know when the store was going to go live but we had a good guess it was going to be soon. What began with an email from Apple, has been one of the biggest achievements of Filmpot.
Filmpot’s team led by Ilker Cengiz and Susan Akıcı were based in Istanbul and tasked to make sure our content met Apple quality standards, asset problems were quickly fixed, and a marketing and PR plan would be executed. They have spent months working day and night. And it was worth it. When the iTunes store came online on December 5th, the most watched Turkish film was from our catalog. Filmpot became the largest Turkish film provider of the iTunes stores. And throughout the years we worked with many Turkish and foreign films published in as many as 20+ countries. At one point we literally didn’t have any competition when the only other provider Tiglon left the business.
Since then the Turkish store grew with more films and music. Netflix and Google Play store opened up shop in Turkey. Including the local ones, there are more digital platforms streaming movies in Turkey then ever before. Time flies, technology improves and things are a-changin’ so much so that producers/content owners can publish their content on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, xBox and many others on their own these days.
We are proud of all we have achieved. We are proud of our contribution to the transformation of the movie business in Turkey for both producers and distributors. We are proud of the partnerships we established with the largest companies on earth. We are proud of the services we provided for our customers. We are proud of the high quality content we served to the audiences all over the world. We will continue to carry that pride to the new frontiers we are pursuing.
May your lives be full of great movies! Have fun,