Mehmet Gureli’s Golge (Shadow) is online



Gorkem Yeltan as Selma the femme fatale

Gorkem Yeltan as Selma the femme fatale in Golge (Shadow)

“A woman has a dangerous effect on the people who love her in this drama from director Mehmet Güreli. Halim is a writer who returns to Istanbul for the first time in years to visit his mother, who is seriously ill. While in Istanbul, Halim renews his friendship with his longtime pal Nevzat. Nevzat introduces Halim to his fiancée, a beautiful but mysterious woman named Selma, and even though Halim has a wife and children at home, he finds himself profoundly attracted to her…. [all movie guide]”

Directed  by Mehmet Gureli, Golge (Shadow) is adaptation of a novel by Peyami Safa (Selma ve Golgesi – Selma and her Shadow). You can find the trailer here on our website. And you can watch it with English subtitles on MUBI and Amazon VideoOnDemand.


Mehmet Gureli’s Golge (Shadow) is online
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