Recent additions to our catalog

We are proud to announce the addition of two brilliant films to our catalog. Bunu Gercekten Yapmali miyim? (Should I Really Do It?) by Ismail Necmi, and Havar by Mehmet Guleryuz are now part of our catalog. We will do our best to get these films available online soon on our partner channels.

Bunu Gercekten Yapmali Miyim? (Should I Really Do It?)

This real-life-feature follows the extraordinary life of PETRA, a German woman living in Istanbul, in an ironic inversion of the Turkish migrant to Germany. Her life will take such strange turns you will think she is following a script. But really, we are watching a real life protagonist evolve in the face of life. For, ultimately, nothing is ever as surprising as life. Except, perhaps, fiction! During ‘sessions’ with the mysterious, masked HEROLD, her life unfolds before our eyes and we will learn about everything: Istanbul, Germany, family, friends, drugs, and death. “Should I Really Do It?” plays with these concepts of real life and fiction, documentary, and drama… Could life ever be more interesting than fiction?


Director Mehmet Guleryuz tells a story about honor killings taking place in Southeastern Turkey in this drama with all amateur actors. Sehmus goes mad when he hears rumors about his to-be-bride Havar getting close with a guy from a neighboring village. He asks Havar’s father to punish her with death.

Recent additions to our catalog
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