Author: filmpot

Filmpot filmleri iTunes Türkiye’de


Filmpot kataloğundaki filmler yeni yayına başlayan iTunes Türkiye’de seyredilebilecek.  İstanbul 11 Aralık 2012 – Bir dijital dağıtım şirketi olan Filmpot, ödüllü Türk filmlerinden oluşan kataloğundaki filmlerin bir kısmını geçtiğimiz günlerde açılan iTunes Türkiye’de yayına soktuğunu duyurdu. iTunes Türkiye’de yayınlanmaya başlayan filmler Türkiye’nin heryerindeki sinemaseverler tarafından kolayca seyredilebilecek. Sinemaseverler online olarak filmleri kirayalabilecek, isterlerse satın da […]


Filmpot LLC Türk filmlerini dünyada online olarak ulaşılabilir hale getiriyor


Filmpot İstanbul’da faaliyete geçişini duyuruyor Istanbul 18 Eylül, 2012 – FILMPOT LLC ABD’nin Seattle kentinde Türk sinemasına dair artan izleyici talebini karşılamak için kuruldu. Filmpot yanında TurkishFilmChannel markasını da başlatan FILMPOT LLC şirketi uluslararası tecrübeye sahip ekibiyle yoluna devam ediyor. Filmpot– Türkiye’de üretilen filmlerin dünyaya online dağıtımında bir ilk Filmpot’un amacı dünyanın neresinde olurlarsa olsunlar izleyicilerin […]


Filmpot makes Turkish films easily accessible online around the globe


Filmpot LLC is actively working in Istanbul Istanbul 18th of September, 2012 – FILMPOT LLC, founded in Seattle/USA, is now operating in Istanbul. The founders of FILMPOT wanted to satisfy the growing demand for quality Turkish cinema and an international team has been recruited to expand the business worldwide. Filmpot– the one stop shop for online distribution […]


Kutlug Ataman films in Filmpot catalog


We are proud to announce Filmpot is now the digital distributor of acclaimed filmmaker Kutlug Ataman‘s films. Mr Ataman is known for his work with strong characterization and humanity. He is also an established and renowned artist who uses the moving image as his main medium of expression. Kutlug Ataman was the 2011 laureate of the third […]


Interview with Inan Temelkuran – Part 4 (final)


Inan Temelkuran Turkish filmmaker Inan Temelkuran was born in Izmir in 1976. He studied film making in Spain after he received his degree in law in Ankara. He is the director, writer and producer of the award-winning films Made in Europe and Bornova Bornova, both of which are part of Filmpot catalog. Filmpot’s İlker Cengiz recently sat down with him in […]


Interview with Inan Temelkuran – Part 3


Inan Temelkuran Turkish filmmaker Inan Temelkuran was born in Izmir in 1976. He studied film making in Spain after he received his degree in law in Ankara. He is the director, writer and producer of the award-winning films Made in Europe and Bornova Bornova, both of which are part of Filmpot catalog. Filmpot’s İlker Cengiz recently sat down with him in […]


Interview with Inan Temelkuran – Part 2


Inan Temelkuran Turkish filmmaker Inan Temelkuran was born in Izmir in 1976. He studied film making in Spain after he received his degree in law in Ankara. He is the director, writer and producer of the award-winning films Made in Europe and Bornova Bornova, both of which are part of Filmpot catalog. Filmpot’s İlker Cengiz recently sat down with him […]


Interview with Inan Temelkuran – Part 1


Inan Temelkuran Turkish filmmaker Inan Temelkuran was born in Izmir in 1976. He studied film making in Spain after he recieved his degree in law in Ankara. He is the director, writer and producer of the award-winning films Made in Europe and Bornova Bornova, both of which are part of Filmpot catalog. Filmpot’s İlker Cengiz recently sat down with him in […]


What if the salt stinks?


You’d salt the meat when it stinks… what if the salt stinks? In the midst of a night, an unexpected ferryboat approaches to the shores of a cute little town. On the deck, an inspector and his assistant – two highly commissioned authorities only assigned to very fragile cases concerning the government, scan the town […]


Büyük markalar korsan destekçisi mi?


Türkiye’de film sektörünün en büyük problemlerinden birisi “korsan”. Filmler DVD olarak piyasaya çıkar çıkmaz hatta bazen çıkmadan önce korsan film sitelerine düşmekte. Korsan siteler para kazanma peşindeler ve tek para kaynakları da reklamlar. Eğer bu reklamlar “Tebrikler bir milyonuncu ziyaretçi olarak nefis bir tatil kazandınız“,  “Burnunuz büyük kulağınız da küçük olsun istiyorsanız ürünümüzü kullanın” , […]
